Green Campus Need of the Hour 

Green Campus Need of the Hour 

What is my Green Campus?

‘My Green Campus’, with its focus on developing a school campus on a greener (greener) avenue, is a major step in developing a greener community on the way to making our homeland greener and cleaner in the development of a greener planet.

A Green Campus is a place where environmental friendly practices and education combine to promote sustainable and eco-friendly practices in the campus.”Green buildings are the need of the hour as they comprise environmentally-responsible construction – from appropriate land use to designing for reduction of operational energy usage to reducing pollution from dust generation.

Prachin Global School, Hyderabad is a well-established and renowned School in Hyderabad, with a commitment to sustainability and responsible environmental stewardship. In recent years, the School has undertaken a concerted effort to build a green campus that reflects its commitment to sustainability and responsible environmental resource management.

To this end, the School has developed a comprehensive vision, mission, and scope for its Green Campus Initiative addressing the triple planetary crisis: climate change, loss of biodiversity, and waste & pollution, and to speed up the implementation of Sustainable Development Goals at all levels. In this write-up, we will outline the purpose of the Green Campus Initiative, as well as the School‘s Vision, Mission, Pillars, and Scope for this important endeavour.

Green campuses bring about positive changes in the schools Sustainable schools impact students’ lives positively on a daily basis as well. A green campus will look to ventilate their classrooms naturally by going for a high-ceiling construction and allowing more sunlight. Plus, classrooms will be well-lit with the proper use of technology that will directly improve the well-being of the students in schools. These will increase the overall health of students, reduce absenteeism due to the positive ambiance, and result in better engagement due to hands-on activity-oriented learning. In fact, studies have shown that students of sustainable schools with active green campuses have better knowledge retention capacity, environmental behaviors, community sense, and skills.

Thus Prachin Best School in Hyderabad  will maintain a green campus to spread the required awareness and improve the quality of learning as well. Sustainable development is the need of the hour as the students will ultimately have to survive in an age where their knowledge and proactiveness will be their greatest assets. Prachin Global School having a Residential Campus has an eco-friendly premise.The school sets an example to its students, parents, and the community around and makes the children future leaders in protecting the environment. It is the current generation’s responsibility to spread awareness among the next and schools must stand at the forefront being institutions of education.

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