Anti bullying

Bullying is a situation where a person, called a bully, verbally or physically threatens or assaults a person, causing the person to feel a real or perceived power imbalance.Bullying can cause a person feel extreme distres s.  It may lead to changes in sleep and dietary habits.  It can even put someone at greater risk for committing suicide.

Bullying can take many forms, such as hitting or punching (Physical bullying);  teasing or name calling (Verbal bullying); intimidation using gestures or social exclusion (Nonverbal bullying or emotional bullying); and sending insulting messages by e-mail    (cyber bullying).

Bullying presentation strategies can be employed by parents, schools, and even    communities.

Parents can help their children prevent bullying or at even put an end to it by        teaching their kinds how to tell a bully confidently to stop or how to dismiss the bullying with humour.

Helping kids understand that if they are being bullied, they should stay near teachers, coaches, or a big group of friends whenever possible.    Students should be taught the proper way to treat one another with respect, acceptance, and inclusion.

Anti-bullying rules should be adopted and enforced at home as well in the school.  Teachers can integrate the following anti-bullying strategies into their instructional activities for added benefit:

Role-play to demonstrate the effects of bullying.

Internet research to show students how harmful bullying can be.

Talking with the students about how to report bullying.

Creative writing assignments that motivate students to express their thoughts and feelings about bullying.

Tackling the bullying menace / combating 

school violence

“The intentional use of physical force or power, threatened or actual, against oneself, another person, or against a group or community, which either results in or has a high likelihood of resulting in injury, death, psychological harm, mal development or deprivation”.

Violence defined by the World Health Organisation.

School violence includes physical, psychological and bullying.  It is enacted and experienced by students.  Physical violence can be any form of physical aggression and it includes corporal punishment and physical bullying.  Physical force is used with the intention of correcting students misbehaviour or punish poor academic performance.

Psychological violence includes verbal and emotional abuse, including in the form of isolating, sending them out of the class room, insults, ignoring, spreading rumours, name calling and threats.

Bullying also includes online or cyber bullying and hurtful messages, comments (embarrassing) in class room or at school premises.  Often teenagers fall prey to various forms of addiction infuriation.        To them the reality becomes for-fetched and talking upon inappropriate actions it treated as ‘NORMAL’ they are found others bullying school, colleges mentally or physically and via social media platforms as well.

Personality Problems:

Wrong atmosphere at home, struggling child hood and conflicted parental relations take a toll on a child’s personality shaping.  It is not surprising to Notice that many at times a violent bully is sourced from patriarch dominancy at home.  Hence parents, guardians care gives too are the contributors their indifferent behaviour.

Psychological differences:

Psychological troubles too pertain to not having a proper environment for a child’s mind to develop a proper environment for a child’s mind to develop in a constructive direction they lack the ability to see things simply and many at times fail in combating everyday situations.

Role of Media:

The overwhelming reach of media in the hands of teenagers or even below that makes them more vulnerable to commit activities that may have fatal effect.

No Media is giving good information for children usage of Mobile is becoming a worst habit.  Kids are developing addiction to play / watch Mobiles.  Lack of parent’s observation also one of the reasons for being addicted to wrong influence of social Media.

A general Overview:

Children spend good amount of time in school and learning of 12 years is what categorises these as a human in our society.  It would not be wrong to say that we teachers play the most important role meet to parents in shaping a child’s nature.  If we can’t control ourselves and get agitated, furious lose decency of words we use, children are bound to learn them. 

Teaching professions as well as nurturing children as parents are both mentally laborious and seek immense patience.  If parents their neighbourhood, do not have a child minded environment, things may not turn well.  Children copy us and our reactions at different situations, which sets itself as an example.  Everyone in the society, in school is responsible directly or indirectly behind fuelling negative activities among children. 

The environment a child gets at home is the foundation of how he or she shall carry himself.  Let us not blame one another behind the increasing cases of bullying in various educational levels.  Rather check ourselves to be the change we want to see.

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