Our Grades 8, 9, 10, 11th and 12th are part of the High School & Senior School, wherein we prepare them to appear for the board exams. At the same time, our teachers focus on building a great foundation for competitive exams in the future. Along with academics, our students learn all about humanity, social development, sustainability, skill education, vocation education and more, offering a competitive edge in their future education. Our curriculum is designed to help them become more independent and confident thinkers.
We believe that these are the years our students need to prepare for the pre-university admissions. Therefore, we also help them learn life skills through our curriculum and extra-curricular activities to feel ready to step out of school and begin their life adventures. During these years, students spend a lot of time in the Science Labs and Computer Labs and work on different projects. The library also is an excellent addition to their books for digital resources.
We also invite students to take up career counselling sessions and workshops to understand what kind of future they would like to foresee for themselves.
Key Highlights:
  • Constant evaluation with feedback 
  • Participation in various sports and extra-curricular activities
  • Career counselling sessions, workshops and seminars for the future course of education
  • All-round development for entry to professional universities 
  • Extra attention to gifted and skilled students 
  • Focus on life skills and scholastic knowledge
We’re ready to give our students the wings to fly! Admissions Open.